Gain new skills to take your business to the next level. 这些互动, small-group virtual workshops are a great way to dive deep into a specific subject area while working collaboratively with colleagues—all without having to pay for travel and lodging.
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ATA is always working to organize future events. Details will be posted as they become available.
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Past 研讨会及工作坊

永利登录网址 Exam Prep Workshop
June 8, 2019, Houston, Texas
永利登录网址 Exam Prep Workshop
April 12, 2019, Alexandria, Virginia
February 16, 2019, Jersey City, New Jersey
永利登录网址 Exam Prep Workshop
January 20, 2018, Boston, Massachusetts
营销自己 & 你的业务
April 28, 2012, Seattle, Washington
Translation Tools Seminar
June 5-6, 2010, Atlanta, Georgia
ATA/DVTA Finance Seminar
May 1-2, 2010, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
科学 & 技术研讨会
March 27, 2010, San Antonio, Texas
July 11-12, 2009, San Diego, California
May 16-17, 2009, Washington, District of Columbia
ATA/NYCT 法院解释 & 翻译研讨会
April 25-26, 2009, Jersey City, New Jersey
Translation Tools Seminar
March 14, 2009, San Francisco, California